Archive | April, 2012

Tomorrow I’ll Be

26 Apr



Holy Crap! I’m so excited I don’t even believe that it’s real yet! I’m so happy I’m FIT for this trip I can’t even explain it!  I’ll be taking a bunch of pics and giving y’all a wrap up  as soon as I’m back!

This morning I made a desicion-this trip is going to be about having fun, relaxing and not giving a shit. I’m young, free and full of energy- I can’t wait to see how it feels to travel as this new person!  I had a crazy time the past 12 months. There has been so  much change, loss and evolution. This trip is my own celebration of the new me.  Two years ago…. even one year ago I could have never imagined what my life would look like today.  I’m happy, confident, FIT, social and most of all-  I have a positive outlook on life.  It’s really crazy that taking up exercise and changing what you put in your mouth can alter your entire life. 

The extra awesome thing about this trip is that I’m traveling with the SUPER active Anastasia- so this will NOT be the type of vacation you gain weight on.   In fact, I think it’s likely that I’ll lose weight with all the swimming, hiking, dancing, snorkeling and sight seeing we’ll be doing! We’ve both already agreed that there is NO SLEEPING IN ALLOWED!  We plan on using every minute possible while we’re in Maui! Oh not to mention the fact that Hawaii is supposed to be VERY expensive- so considering I’m on a tight budget, it’s likely I’ll be eating very light.  Sometimes not being a baller has it’s perks!  🙂

I’ll be on that beach in 24 hours!  I’m going to savor every minute of it!!


Work-it on The Weekend

23 Apr

I kept movin’ all weekend long- look!


Friday           – An epic gym workout

The sweat on my stomach looks like butterfly- wich is why I snuck taking this photo is a crowded locker room... but it didn't capture too well on my iPhone

Saturday     – A casual Ocean Beach stroll and relaxing at home

Saturday was also a great day to do manicures with Grace!

Sunday        – A 2 mile  mission bay run with Ursula

                          – An ass kickin’ gym visit

                          – A peaceful afternoon walk by the gloomy & grey ocean

I love seeing people on their vacations in my city! Makes even more grateful to live where I do!

Mission Bay was beautiful and peaceful despite the cloudy sky

A sunny post run snack


Later in the afternoon I headed out to the cliffs to check out the stormy water!

Ahhhh a banana blueberry paleo muffin, made by my roomie Ashley! Great Sunday night snack!

Location, Location, Location

19 Apr

I had the BEST run I’ve ever had on Monday.  I credit my new found, carefully crafted cardiovascular health- but even more than that, I credit my city!  I live in one of the best places to run.  If I can’t be  inspried to run  by my local scenery- then my dreams of becoming a runner would never come true.  I have gnarly hills, flat trails, cliffs, sand, a quarter-mile pier and most of all- everywhere I go I have a view of the glorious pacific ocean. San Diego is a beautiful place to get outside and enjoy the scenery

The second best thing, and much less beautiful fact about running in Ocean Beach is that- if you go to main streets there are a lot of tourists, surfers,  teenagers and homeless people. Why is this a good thing? Well it makes me runner a lot faster than normal!  Most of the spots I  run are full of other runners or local residents out walking there dogs.  Butttt….if I venture to Newport Ave, the main strip…my run becomes incredible.  My speed increases immensely as I have to run faster to get around people, avoid smelling groups of homeless men and because I want to look like a super FIT fast runner. I discovered this fact about myself on Monday.  While I love running all alone on the peaceful Sunset Cliffs, I will push myself harder on the main boulevard when there are lots of people around. 

I heart Ocean Beach!

The longest concrete pier on the West Coast- and a great spot to run!

This is at the top of Del Mar Ave right before sunset

At least if someone's going to tag up my city...they do it with positive messages 🙂


16 Apr

I want this week to be intense. I want to feel like I’m working so hard, results are guaranteed and I can hold myself to the type of standards a celeb does the week before the Oscars.  I mean I’m pretty much headed to my own personal version of the Oscars.  Meaning of course, I’m going to Maui- the  land of wearing  nothing but bikinis and cut-offs. Today is the 16th-is it humanly possible to lose 8 pounds by the 27th?  Since I’m never one to partake in any type of disordered eating…it seems unlikely.  But I can still try!!  

I think I’m off  to a good start.  For break fast I had 3/4 C of greek yogurt with a 1/4 cup of berries and a tablespoon of slivered almonds- I washed it all down with a cup of home-brewed organic french press coffee!  For lunch I brought scrambled eggs with half  an avocado~gotta keep my carbs under 70 grams a day this week! All I need to think about for motivation  is sand, turquoise water, my butt, pina coladas, my legs, tanning, snorkeling, boating, my new hott pink bikini bottoms and sunscreen!!!  The final leg of Hawaii intensity has started.

I certainly DID NOT keep my carbs under 70 grams this weekend.  I went to my friend Mariam’s totally beautiful and amazing bridal shower @ Charlie Palmer’s in South Coast Plaza.  It was the most gorgeous shower I’ve ever been to and the food was delish!  Take a look!

I ate half of this. It was literally the best pastry of any kind I've ever had in my life. Ever. Maybe I don't need to go to Paris anymore?

Perfect Hollandaise sauce!

I hate french toast but I loved this. It tasted like a gooey maple cloud with whipped foamy butter. I ate half 🙂

How adorable is this Tiffany's themed dessert table? Eveything was sparkling and blue! So gorgeous!

Cute cookies!

A mimosa made with fresh strawberry puree.

Well enough food porn for a Monday morning.  Back to bein’  insanely committed to  FIT this week!   I got myhead in the game and my goal on my mind! Woo!

This Journey I’m on Gets to Last Forever

12 Apr

There is no possible way  that I can ever go back to eating take out four times a week.  I can’t get 1:00am bean and cheese burritos every Saturday night.  I CAN’T EVER go back to this lifestyle.  I will forever be living a FIT lifestyle or I’ll gain weight.  I have accepted this fact and am even content with it.  It’s like a double positive.  I started the healthy eating and working out to get thin and I’m also going to get the life long health benefits!  Even if you told me right now I’d never lose another pound or gain an ounce more muscle if I continued working out- I’d still do it for the physical and mental health benefits.

Regular working out decreases your chances of getting breast, colon and numerous other cancers,  improves cardiovascular health, boosts your immunity, lowers your risk of diabetes, lowers cholesterol, helps battle depression, regulates sleep and in general just makes me happier and more energetic!  I want women everywhere to just get in the habit of working out- once that happens you’ll start to crave a jog or a weight lifting session the way you used to crave pasta! I really will make working out part of my life forever.  I owe it to my health to do so. I want to be able to lift, run, hike and be agile as shit when I’m a grandparent.  The only sure-fire way that I know how to make that happen is by training by body and eating well.

Here I am enjoying my FIT breakfast of champs on the way to work yesterday, plain Greek Yogurt with berries and slivered almonds! I could eat this every day!

It’s funny how your whole perspective on life can change in one year.  About 14 months ago I would have cried and whined about the idea that I’d have to work out for the rest of my life.  But now I’m excited to see where I’ll be in two years.  I wonder how much i’ll have progressed by then.  I wonder how far I’ll be able to run. Will I ever complete a 10k?  Will I own a Kayak by then? I wonder how far along my yoga pratice will be.  My FIT future is something I can’t wait for! 🙂 Oh yeah plus I bet I’ll be skinnier!

A BIG thing I’m interested in adding to my life long FIT lifestyle at the moment  is FIBER!!!  I’m literally terrified of breast cancer and I’ve been doing a lot of reading about how consuming more fiber not only helps you shed pounds but may also help lower the risk of breast cancer by 32  percent!!!!  Time for good shits and healthy tits ~ lets eat up!!!!

Check out this snippet from a Dr. Oz article I found online!

1. Fiber
Studies continue to confirm the link between eating fiber and a reduction in breast cancer risk. Researchers have found that both soluble and insoluble fiber reduce the risk of breast cancer, especially for women consuming upwards of 30 grams a day. How? Insoluble fiber sticks to free estrogens in the gut, and sweeps them out. In fact, fiber may also ensure that less estrogen is free in the first place. When less estrogen is absorbed, you end up exposed to lower amounts of the hormone, which in turn lowers your risk of breast cancer. Whether you’re trying to shed pounds or fight cancer, you need 35 grams of fiber each day.

Why 35 grams? Evidence from several studies suggests that women who consumed 30 grams of fiber per day had a significant risk reduction (32%) of breast cancer. Compare that to the women who were eating less than 25 grams a day who only had a very minimal risk reduction (2%), and you have a clear case for eating more than 30 grams a day!


Keep Moving- YOLO

10 Apr

The only way to keep losing is to keep moving! Even when you’re tired or bored or feelin’ lazy. Sunday morning, I was extremely tired and thought that instead of getting my sweat on, I’d just carry my booty to the beach and lay out all day.   But then I realized that would be an idiotic move that I’d likely regret the rest of the day. I knew if I just got my body moving before I did anything else- I’d be into my workout and proud that I didn’t flake! So I did it!

I went to Cowels mountain and hiked to the top!  Man am I glad that I did! What a great workout! 1.5 miles and 1500 feet up! It took me about and hour to reach the top, but what a worthy hour!  You reach San Diegos highest point and have a 360 degree view of the city! You can see Mexico, downtown and even San Bernardino. Honestly when you’re almost at the top it does start to seem like its taking a REALLY long time to get there.  I wouldn’t say that its extremely physically challanging, it just felt a little daunting to look up the side of a mountain and see how far I still had to climb! Reaching the top was epic though and I can’t wait to do it again! Doing something new is an awesome way to be a FIT bitch without getting stuck in a gym rutt!

I fell on the way down  the mountain.  I was trying ot be cool and climb down rocks instead of using the switchbacks.  I only fell about three feet but I cut my palms, scraped my elbow and bruised my butt! But I DGAF’ed and kept going!

I’m guessing that if you haul ass  you can burn anywhere between300-500 calories doing this…it’s an hour and a half of cardio.  I logged it in my food journal myfitnesspal as 350 cals. 

Well I’m headed to the gym in an hour and ahalf and feel TOTALLY energized!  I can’t wait to kick the shit outta the treadmilll! WOO!

Making Me Happy Right Now.

6 Apr

A purple Easter bouquet delivered unexpectedly to my work

The sunsets I’ve been driving into on the way home from work each night

The lightest of purple pedicure I got last weekend. And it still looks great!

Raw Ahi. I’m in love…had it three times last week!


Strawberries are in season and they’re everywhere!

Strawberry Paleo bread I made last Sunday!

With strawberry honey butter!


Oh and I’m VERY happy it’s Friday. VERY.

FIT First World Problems

3 Apr

If you don’t know what First World Problems are, you’re humorous life is severely lacking. First World Problems are ridiculous and trivial  issues Westerners have to complain about. There’s a twitter and a website devoted to listing these problems online. An example of a first world problem is…”My hand is too fat to fit in  the Pringles can so I have to tip it over to ge the chips out”  – haha amazing!

This morning as my alarm clock was going off at 5:15am, I felt FAR too cozy to get up and go on a run.  I was so upset that I was being disturbed and so conflicted about whether or not I should get up.  And then I realized it….I was living my own first world problem.  So I’ve decided to record all of the FIT related first world problems I have come across on my FIT bitch journey! Enjoy fellow North Americans, enjoy.


My bed is really cozy in the mornings and it’s hard for me to get up for a 5:00am run.

I can’t find a sports bra in the right shade to match my purple Nikes.

While my gym has free Zumba and Yoga classes, it doesn’t have a sauna.

My water gets warm too quickly when I take hot yoga, I want to drink cold water when I’m sweating that much!

Sometimes I crave cupcakes.

I am limited to eating 1200 calories a day.

Sometimes when I go to the gym with a friend there aren’t two treadmills next to each other.

Occasionally when I feel like taking a jog on the beach, it’s raining.

I have to wear 2 sports bras to get the right amount of support.

If I’m having a really good hair day it will be ruined when I go to the gym.

I shouldn’t eat nachos very often. Or Burritos.

I ran super hard on Saturday and my thighs are still sore.

I can’t afford a luxury yoga membership @ Core Power.

I don’t like how red my face gets when I work out really hard.

Pizza dipped in ranch isn’t low carb.

Sometimes I can smell people’s BO at the gym.

Watching reality TV isn’t considered at workout.

I don’t have a personal trainer to come to my house and wake me up in the morning.

Sometimes my running shorts ride up when I’m jogging and it’s annoying to pull them down.

Having to skip  a song on Pandora really interrupts my stride on the treadmill.

I want to do some Spring shopping but I’m in between sizes right now.

Organic strawberries can be a little pricey.

Instead of constantly focusing on my physique, I have to work 8 hours a day.

So far, despite my weight loss success, no corporate sponsors have given me free shit or any endorsement deals.

While Diet Coke is calorie free, it’s still not considered a ‘health food’.

My boobs got smaller.

I have a lot more laundry to do in light of all the sweaty gym clothes.

I don’t get to have sushi as often as I’d like to.


I think it’s safe to say that according to this list my life in the FIT world is a very very challenging one and you should all pity me. Yep. Lol.  PLEASE send me your own FIT first world problems in the form of a comment.

Here is a picture of Ashleigh and I suffering and looking quite miserable due to having to drink room temperature water during hot yoga last night (during which we burned 400 calories!!!)

Luckily, my lunch today solved one of my FWP – as I got to have sushi!  A spicy tuna roll with avocado and plenty of wasabi!