Archive | March, 2012

California Face with a Down South Rump

29 Mar

Ahhhh Happy FRIDAY!  Well I know it’s not really friday for YOU but I have tomorrow off so its my Friday!!  ANDDDDDD….My parents are moving home! Yep that’s right! After a few months on the East coast my Mom and Dad decided that SoCal is where they want to be! I couldn’t be happier! I get my family back! My dad got an awesome job offer back here in Cali and for the past week they’ve been driving across county!  They’ll be home tomorrow! Our family has always denied that SoCal had become home….Until now…I guess my babies and my parents’ grandchildren will be little beach bums after all!   LOVE. IT. Ain’t no party like a West Coast party. WOOOOO!

Anyway, back to the title of my blog. So if you don’t know what song this lyric comes from then you can’t truly appreciate how awesome this Baby Bash/ E-40 collabo is. It’s hilarious that a hyphy rap lyric  is an excellent and healthy motivator for me ~ like really…I think of this lyric when I’m doing squats. 

Thanks for the motivation E

 I feel like I have the California face thing all taken care of – I’ve been all California-ed out for years now…I’m good with make-up and I’m rockin’ white teeth. I DO need some work on the ‘Down South Rump’ part though.  And I’m trying. I’m really trying. How exactly am I trying to build myself a down south booty?? Like this:

Lunges. Front lunges, side lunges and back lunges.

Squats. Deep squats, weighted squats and wall sits. I’m squating right now while I type if you really wanna know the truth.

Stair running. And using the stair climber @ the gym.


Leg lifts.

I’m hoping to have a great booty by summer. Let’s see if this experiment works! Recently, I heard the always wise CoCo (as in Ice-T’s wife- yeah that CoCo…) explaining that any woman can build a butt.  CoCo has an ASS! Like a big round envy worthy booty. Granted her ass might be alot  larger than I’m aiming for but she claims that she crafted that bad boy from scratch in the gym- and swears any girl can do it.  Let’s see CoCo…I’m putting your theory to the test bitch. 


 How do you FIT bitches get your ass right for bikini time?

Wait…the Month is Almost Over?

27 Mar

Is this a joke?  Honestly, how fast can time pass?  This can’t be real…..I though it just became March yesterday! I have always been told that the older I get the faster time would go- and boy is that true!  It almost feels like I’m falling down a tunnel and everything is racing by me!  Is everything going at light speed because I’m so busy or is it because I’m getting closer to the end of this bastard?  And by this bastard I mean my life of course.  Well whatever the reason, all I know is  I need to look hott while I’ve still got time!  

I had a great work out last night!!! Check out myfitnesspal diary for the details!


My post work-out sweat- the new sayings go…”If  you still look hott after a work-out, you didn’t work hard enough!” or “Sweat like a pig to look like a fox!”  Mission accomplished!


Oh speaking of the gym.. have you seen the most amazing gym bag that’s ever been created?….check it out! My gold sequined gym bag is one of my favorite things I own…and sadly I think it may be coming close to its end.  The handles are bound to fall apart pretty soon, they’re hanging on by a string 😦  It will be a sad sad day when this little bad boy is retired. Not only is the the cutest gym bag I’ve ever seen but it’s the perfect size and has survived abour 5 years of serious wear and tear. I’ll treasure these last few months!


Tonight I’m going ot CHUZE fitness with Grace and actually plan on taking it a little easy.  I’m not gonna be some lazy sloth or anything like that but I might skip the sprinting or stairclimbing. I feel like my leg muscles have been taking a serious ass kicking these past couple days and I want to be a little friendlier to em tonight! I think I’ll do some low resistance elliptical followed by a light run- then I’ll work on core and arms! Yesssss!!!!   Only two and a half more hours of work, then endorphin releasing sweat sesh…here I come!

How Priority Became Love

26 Mar

I have made working out a major priority in my life.  I think that my after work hours  are better spent in the gym than at happy hour or taco Tuesday.  This started as a monumental, super annoying and seemingly impossible task. Getting my tired ass into the gym or onto a running trail afterwork- what the hell? telling myself that “NO, you can’t toss your body on the couch and debrief while enjoying a lovely salty snack.” You have to go to the gym RIGHT after work and sweat the day out of your system.    I use to hate this so much but I knew I should do it so I’d just force my body through the gym doors, bad attitude and all. These days….don’t hate me for this ….. but…. I LOVE THIS!  As I’m sitting my office typing this blog on my lunch break….I’m anxiously waiting for 5:00pm so I can head to the gym.  My workouts have gotten longer, tougher and sweatier.  And I look forward to them more than ever before. 

I worked out yesterday afternoon and it was incredible.  I’m not going to say that certain thing aren’t difficult while you’re doing them (like holding  plank for 60 seconds four times in a row)…..but as soon as you’re done, the sense of strength and accomplishment far surpasses any physical discomfort or exersion you might have felt.  It’s so exciting to progress and to actually love moving your body.  I have been waiting to get to this place.  The place where I’m not only dedicated to the gym…..but I love it.  That’s right peeps I LOVE THE GYM. Me- Jamie! I know that this place took a long time to get to. I haven’t truly felt this way since I was 18 years old.  Now that I’m here I can’t imagine leaving. 

I REFUSE to go back to feeling like I’d rather die than go to the gym.  I REFUSE to think that going to the gym on a Sunday wastes a day off.  Working out enhances a day.  It’s going to make me happy and calm yet energized at that same time.   Would I prefer to go and get a drink than go to the gym afterwork….No.  Let me explain why…. Don’t get me wrong, I love going out and socializing.  But I love doing those things MORE when I love myself.  If I’m FIT, confident, energetic and lookin’ fly, I’ll enjoy that happy hour nine thousand times more. This means I’ll do LESS activities during the week but I’ll enjoy the activities I actually go to much more. I am Miss Gym from now on.  And completely stoked about it.

People say that motivation gets you started and habits keeps you going.  I hope that this love I feel is part of a habit.  I’m sprung on you FITness. No commitment issues here.  I’m locked down. For life. I can’t wait to get on the treadmill tonight!

Here is lunch today!:

Good ol carrots n dip!

 Greek Yogurt with fresh berries!


Young and Free

26 Mar

Saturday morning breakfast.


Saturday night dancing.

A carby Sunday Brunch

At The Neighborhood downtown with new friends.

An INTENSE workout followed by a bright snack on a rainy afternoon

I actually baked! Blueberry Paleo muffins!

Taste JUST like blueberry Bran muffins but have 8.8g of protein and only 7g of carbs.

My weekend was short and sweet. Just like this post.


Little in the Middle

22 Mar

35 days until Hawaii. I’m on track.  Like really on track, I’ve lost 6 pounds in 9 days!  And I have to admit, I have been trying really really hard.  These past fews days have been pretty intense.  I’ve been much stricter than normal. I was  lingering around the same weight for a month. No Bueno.  That pissed me off.   So I did what any FIT bitch who’s entering beach season would do. I stepped my mother fucking game up. Protein shakes, making meals mostly about nutrition and not about cravings, running…. Is it joyous and easy?  No.  Does it work?  Yes.  Eat less.  Eat lighter.  Be healthy.  Work out even if you really don’t feel like it. I did let myself cheat on Saturday though for a friends birthday by eating bread & butter and drinking  A LOT of alcohol.  I guess it’s true that one night of cheating won’t derail your hard work.


Yesterdays lunch. A whey protein shake made with coconut milk. (not the thick sweet coconut milk you'd put in a pina colada- this is like regular milk)


A sunset run last night after work.


Listening to Rack City radio...the music doesn't fit the scenery but it keeps me pumped!

Last night when my relaxing sunset run was coming to an end, I turned a corner near my house and found myself running next to a very lean, very FIT dude.  He  was keeping an intensely FAST pace.  I was about to stop running and head home but as I ran next to this guy I couldn’t help but want to race him- I just felt compelled.  I knew he felt the same competitive spirit as his speed picked up a little bit.  I decided I was not gonna let this twiggy douche bag out run me.  I sped up.  I began running down Cable Ave, no scratch that- I was sprinting down Cable!  I sprinted as fast as my legs could carry me- I ran and ran and ran pumping my arms as fast as I possible. We raced like we were in the Olympics for 8 blocks.  I don’t think I’ve ever run so fast in my life. When he finally took off down another block I was so relieved!  I could finally stop. Whew!!!  I was so out of breath I thought I might die!

This completely random competition was exactly what I needed to finish off a great workout! I’ve never pushed myself so hard!  I felt like I did when I used to play tag as a kid.  You know that feeling when your trying really hard to catch someone and you run as fast as humanly possible?  I felt that last night and I loved it.  I think that in general, I’m a pretty good sprinter.  I can run fast for a short distance- but last night was a whole new level. Who knew?  Race a stranger and get FITter!

Post-run dinner last night: baby greens, strawberries, blue cheese, avocado, raw almonds, asparagus & a splash of vinegar. Delicious!


Breakfast this morning: 2% plain Greek yogurt with 1/2 cup of organic strawberries.

A Spring Celebration

21 Mar

Yesterday was the first day of Spring.  My roommate Ashley set up a festive Spring feast for a small group.  Being that Ash is Paleo and I’m a combination of pescartarian, primal-ish….our potluck feast was very healthy. Since spring is all about growth and rebirth, we  wore flowers in our hair, ate super fresh dishes and made personal goals for the coming season. The night was such a success, our little group decided that we’ll be brining in all the seasons this way from now on!

My contribution to dinner was steamed asparagus & zucchini drizzled with a lemon vinaigrette,  then topped with basil and tiny cubes of avocado.

Grace brought a salad of spring greens, strawberries, blue cheese and balsamic dressing!

Anastasia brought some fresh homemade mahi mahi tacos topped with chopped veggies & beans!

Ashley’s epic deviled eggs!

If you look on the top of my plate you’ll notice a very large portion of roasted veggies (zucchini, brussel sprouts, butternut squash & onion). Ashley made these and everyone was absolutely obsessed wth them! They were cooked with herbs de Provence! Delicious!

I picked this little sprig of Jasmine on an after dinner walk. It literally smells better than the bottle its’ sitting next to. So Spring-y!

I had to adorn my favorite framed photo in the bathroom with some flowers.  It was a Spring celebration and flowers were our theme!



I’m so excited for what the season has to offer.  I’m sure it will include lots of FITness growth, and even more gettin’ beach hott! If you haven’t started yet – Spring is here, it’s in full swing! Iit’s time to get our asses in shape!  Let FIT bitch extreme~ness begin!

42 Days Until Whatttt?!!?

15 Mar

Ummm…until I’ll be here.

With her.

Vacationing like a Boss.

Sweet god it’s crunch time!  I’m gonna be in nothing but  bikinis, shorts and little dresses! It’s times like these that I’m glad I started being a FIT bitch months ago!  If I hadn’t started back then, I’d be so worried about going on this trip- I wouldn’t even be excited.  Wondering how I’d look and feel would be a huge stress for me.  Thank goodness for willpower and commitment!

Time to seriously start with the protein shake thing!  Usually I’m all about real food. You know.. Veggies, eggs, fish, nuts, cheese…. but right now I need to get a bit tougher and make sure I can monitor my CAL intake a bite closer.  So I’ll be trying to have a protein shake for 1 meal a day whenever possible until Maui!  Gotta look smokin’ for my vacation!  I figure that 42 days or 1026 hours is enough time for a final hott body FIT push right??? Work out overload time!

Lunch today: A chocolate Muscle milk, 230 CALS


Outfit today: My new favorite purple dress and a black blazer ( I find wearing tight or really dressy clothes to work helps keep me  mindful of what I’m eating!) Gotta keep my body on my mind!

Make ‘Em Sweat

15 Mar

Dude. I had my first hot yoga experience last night.  It was hot. I mean like super, insanely, really unbelievably hot. Like so hot I think I blacked out for half of the class.

I’ve actually never taken a yoga class before. So I went to CorePower  a signed up for a free trial week last night. I even went and bought myself a pretty new pink yoga mat (a thick ECO friendly one!!)  I’ve done yoga moves before and some yogi friends have taught be the basic moves so I felt pretty confident in my physical ability to do well in the class.  It was the 103 degree temperature that I was worried about. I was advised to bring two towels. One small towel to keep next my mat to wipe the sweat off my face and one full-sized bath towel to place over my yoga mat. Yes. You actually need to cover your yoga mat with a towel to sop up the mass quantities of sweat that will be pouring off of you.  

So why be so dang hot while you do yoga?  I asked the same question. What’s the freakin point? Well, there are a few reasons, the first is that the warmth really helps you stretch your muscles and loosen up.  Apparently, the heat allows you to stretch a lot farther than normal and prevents injury, I will agree to this as I felt more limber than a baby sloth.  Next, the heat makes you pour sweat which is a great detox. Finally, the temperature really challenges you mentally.  Our instructor kept referencing how being challenged in yoga mirrors the challenges we face in life. When we get to tough or uncomfortable times in life we just have to breath and push through them the best way we can. 

The heat really changed the whole experience for me.  I can’t really say that I liked it….but in a way I did-  it challenged me and I am definitely doing it again. I’ve never had to focus so hard mentally before. It took a lot of breathing and relaxing to stay in the positions and to really stay calm and zen like.  At one point, about half way through the class I thought I was going to pass out (which is common for first timers), so I got up and walked outside of the studio for about two minutes to cool down a bit. But I knew I  wanted to finish the class.  I’m so glad I did.  I felt so relaxed and at peace after the class but also immensely energized.  Once I’d had a few minutes to cool down outside the studio, I felt really fresh and as if I could run a mile with ease. 

Now about the sweat. This was literally hilarious.  I actually sweat more than I ever have in my life. Every single persons hair was entirely drenched.  The towel that was covering my yoga mat? Soaked.  At one point while I was in a plank pose, sweat was dripping from my chin, my nose, and my chest onto the floor beneath me. Oh yeah it was also pouring into my eyes. I’m for sure wearing a sweat band next time.

Oh yeah and this class, while it helps me grow mentally and teaches me how to look inward, it ALSO burns at least 400 calories. Bring on the heat baby!

I tried to take a picture of how sweaty I really was but since I was wearing dark colors, it was hard to capture.  Basically my entire top and pants are wet except for the little are on my lower stomach.



California Hustla

14 Mar

Living in Southern California means you have to look good.  As shallow as that may seem, it’s also kind of interesting to get to constantly improve  on the ‘hott girl’ thing.  Having pretty hair, nails, skin, teeth, toes, shoes, bags and make-up can be pretty fun. I think its awesome that you can wear high heels or beachy flip flops pretty much anywhere here and no one will notice either way.  As you know my current so-cal hottness focus is on my body and last night  I worked out with some fine ass bitches, Grace, Anastasia and Ashleigh.  It was a great night, we dubbed it, a soul crushing, vomit inducing work-out.

When I first arrived at the gym, I hit the treadmill for 10 minutes but had to cut my run short due to an intense side cramp.  This cramp bothers me all the time.  It’s in the same spot on my right side and totally ruins my running!  So I  moved on to the stair climber, where I did a tough 20 minutes.  I was literally dripping in sweat when I was done.  After our cardio, the hoes and  I moved on to do some streching and circuit training. We did some planks, squats, sit-ups, push ups and  stability work and burpees on a BOSU ball. It was so much fun and a great work-out!

Me and Grace working with a medicine ball while standing on a BOSU ball


Buff Anastasia!!

Ashleigh teaching us the proper way to get on the BOSU by yourself









Me getting my ass whipped by BOSU burpees

Get it Grace!











Gnarly sets of 10!



FITness For Yourself

13 Mar

The older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve realized that you can’t rely on other people and your happiness needs to come completely from yourself.   I know this sounds like a negative statement to make, but it’s actually been an extremely positive thing for to come to terms with. No one is going to make you feel happy in the exact way that you want them to, no one can energize, motivate or inspire you enough to be your best self. You have to be your best self, on your own, without help, before anyone else’s influence can really have any impact on you.  

The minute you start realizing that your life, and how you want it to look is 100% in your hands, you will be happier.  Last year,  all the stable things I thought I had in my life abruptly changed.  I was 26 and in a completely different place in life than I always thought I’d be.  I had to make my world look the way I wanted it to.   I’m so glad that I got that chance on my own. I have created a life that I never thought I’d have.  I stopped seeing people I didn’t really like. I stopped doing things that felt like obligations, I focused more on my mental health and my appearance, I organized my home, made deeper connections with friends and tried to be as active- in all senses of the word, as possible.  Finally, being FIT became a huge part of my identity.

  There is an incredible connection between FITness and overall lifestyle.  Since I’ve changed my life around, I believe with 100% certainty that if you’re not FIT- you are not your best self.  I won’t apologize for this viewpoint either.  Now of course there are people who have serious reasons for not being FIT (illness, disbilities etc). But in general, having FITNess be part a large part your life can only improve things.  What else can  you say that about?  Wealth? Mo money, mo problems man! Sex? Ummm how does Chlamydia sound to you?  Besides, being FIT is only about YOU!  It’s something you can do that is completely and totally about yourself….but in a good way.  Being FIT makes look better, have more energy,  be more productive, be happier, sleep better, gives you more confidence, introduces you to new activities and oh yeah and makes shopping way more fun!

If you’re not on the FIT band wagon yet, get on it bitches! What are you waiting for?  Do it for yourself. That’s it.  Alot of things will be better if you focus on FITness.  It worked for me anyways.   This is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.  If only I knew that I would feel this great, I would have given the gift of FIT to myself a LONG time ago.

Greek Yogurt is a perfect pre-work-out snack! I mix in frozen mixed berries!

 In other news, I’m sticking to my goal of making March the best month possible.  Here are what I’ve completed off of my epic month to do list so far!

Have a BBQ

Go running on the beach 4 times

Run in the morning before work at least  4 times (once)

Buy a great outfit

Go to the spa (this weekend!)

Buy myself flowers

Go out for a NICE drink somewhere in a NICE dress

Go to the movies

Lose 15 pounds (get outta here you bastards!)

Run Mission bay at Sunset

Only spend time with people I want (so far!!)

Try to be as FIT as possible (in action!)